During July 2018, ACT and Oudtshoorn Volunteers vir Diere have merged to become Animal Care Team SA (ACT SA).
ACT SA is dedicated to the r-e-s-c-u-e of vulnerable animals in all areas of Oudtshoorn. In order for us to be successful, we concentrate on the following core principles:
C=care of animals,
U=upliftment of both the community as well as their animals,
We work in all communities where education on animal welfare is key to improving the lives of all animals. We are working hard on getting dogs off of short tangled static chains onto longer running chains. In the rural areas not everyone can afford to fence in their houses and therefore chained dogs are the norm. If dogs are left loose, they are often shot or poisoned by livestock farmers, therefore the need to keep them confined. We have already experienced great support in the communities we are working in, however we do need donations of wire, chain and collars in order to assist the poorer families who can only manage a small financial contribution. ACT SA is also committed in this new cycle that we are moving into, to work closely with the other animal welfare organisations and individuals. The need out there is so overwhelmingly dire that no one organisation can handle it on its own. We believe that if we can identify our mutual goals we can alleviate/eliminate the suffering of animals in Oudtshoorn, together. We are busy with various projects: chained dogs, feral cats
and sterilizations.
During the COVID-19 crisis ACT SA is also distributing people food and necessities to needy households. If you are able to donate towards this, please contact us on +27 76 5445 934
Donations of food and blankets can be dropped off at the following addresses in Oudtshoorn.
Makayla - The Sign Shop - 33 Church Street